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The primary motivation for the UK Alliance for Disaster Research (UKADR) is to bring together the UK's rich and diverse disaster research community. This will facilitate collaboration and partnership to aid representation of the research community at government level in the UK, and, where appropriate, help with the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

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Membership is open to staff and PhD students of any research-and-capacity-building institute based in the UK that is active in researching disaster risk and its management. This includes universities and other educational institutions, charitable trusts, think tanks and research departments within government agencies, private businesses or civil society organisations. Disaster risk reduction, prevention and preparedness, disaster response, reconstruction and recovery are all of interest.

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UKADR 2024 Conference now 2021: The UKADR 2024 Organising Committee are pleased to announce that the postponed 2024 conference will now be held in Edinburgh on 27th–28th May 2021. Registration and the call for abstracts will open in September 2024. The theme of the conference will still be Delivering disaster risk research for the Sendai Framework and the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26).

Blocking VPN is for Internet safety: Official --China ...:Wuhan, in central China's Hubei Province, tested nearly 10 million residents in a 19-day drive to screen for novel coronavirus infections, with officials hailing the effort as ending "psychological lockdown" for the virus-ravaged city. We are pleased to announce the new UKADR 2024 September Sessions that will be taking place online on 10th–11th September 2024. This will include a selection of virtual seminars and the 2024 UKADR AGM. Although we can’t meet in person, these seminars aim to enable the UKADR community to share and discuss changes in our research practice, the role of disaster researchers in a green and resilient post–COVID recovery as well as lessons from multi–stakeholder disaster research programmes. More details will follow in the coming weeks.

If you would like to contact us about either the 2021 Conference or the 2024 September Sessions please email UKADR2024@ed.ac.uk


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